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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Baby Berrick Update

Hi all! It's been a while, so we just wanted to update you on what's going on in our lives. We had a baby shower on August 9th and Berrick received some great gifts! Thanks to Brooke and all the hostesses for a beautiful shower, which has been a huge blessing in helping us get ready for Berrick's arrival.

Ronnie and I laugh because it feels like Christmas around here. Ever since the shower, we continue to receive gifts at our doorstep every other day. We are discovering daily that our house is getting smaller and Berrick's closet is filling up fast. We want to thank everyone for all the gifts you've sent and we thank you again for all that you've done.

We are now at week 33 and everything is great with mom and baby Behr. We had an ultrasound on Friday, Aug. 29 per the request of Dr. Shambour to determine Berrick's size. Since mom's belly was measuring smaller than normal at this stage, he wanted us to make sure we were on schedule. Turns out we are and all is good, praise God! However, we did determine that at this point Berrick is breech (head up instead of down). We are in prayer that he will make a flip very soon!

Behr's room is almost finished so pictures are soon to come. Stay tuned.

Ronnie's been busy making videos of (everything), dogs, house, OU's first home game and my belly. We can't believe it's only 7 weeks or so away. This entire process has flown by but has been truly amazing. I love being pregnant but I can't wait to hold Berrick in my arms and kiss his sweet little face. Please keep us in your prayers for a healthy baby boy and a smooth delivery.

Darbie and Ronnie

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